Environmental enrichment is a strategy to improve the quality of life for wild animals in captivity. Nowadays it has become an essential tool to enhance and help their conservation.
Environmental enrichment consists of providing each species with their unique environmental stimuli, both in meadows and in enclaves, to promote their natural behaviors and avoid developing aberrant behaviors. Taking into account the ecology of each species, enrichment generally has to do with the design of the enclosures: by naturalizing the facilities with biotic and abiotic factors that simulate as much as possible their native habitats, the animals will achieve a greater degree of adaptation. Examples of environmental enrichment are: natural “toys”, a variety of foods and modes of presentation, special smells, the formation of social groups. These elements can change the perception that the animal has regarding his environment. Terra Natura Murcia continues to develop this technique daily by evaluating the needs of each individual species in the enclosure. A good enrichment program designed for a species can help reduce stress, aggression, boredom and stereotypes. It allows the animal to face novel situations, and as part of reintroduction programs it serves as a tool to mentally and physically prepare animals that will eventually be released.