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We are an organism that supports and enables the conservation of certain species. Our main goal in the long term is the reintroduction of these threatened species in their natural habitat, in order not only to preserve the species but to re-create communities in the wild that have been extinct.

Terra Natura Murcia is a member of the EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) which works together with the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). As such we follow guidelines that determine specific protocols for the conservation of endangered species in accordance with their EEPs (European Endangered Species Programme) and ESBs (European Studbooks). Terra Natura Murcia works specifically with Sri Lankan leopards, giraffes, white rhinos, European otters and Iberian wolves. These are endangered species currently living in the park.

Our conservation programs are a response to human threats, including habitat destruction, pollution in seas and rivers, climate change, poaching and illegal wildlife trafficking. These are serious problems that citizens of the world can combat. By sharing our conservation and educational work with others, from small children to future professionals, we intend to transmit to our visitors and the wider population how important it is to preserve the natural environments around us.

C/Regidor Cayetano Gago s/n 30100 Espinardo Murcia España


Tlf: +34 968368200 · Fax: +34 968368201


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